
Website design has always been something I am interested in. My Digit 100: Intro to Digital Humanities course has showed me two different ways to create a website. One method is through your own HTML and CSS ran through Github. The other method being through Word Press.

Both methods pose any new user a few challenges. I think the biggest challenges of HTML and CSS are making sure your files are organized and ALWAYS have matching names in your file explorer and your code. In Word Press, the most challenging part is learning to work with the website builder itself and knowing what can and cannot be changed.

I believe each method of web design holds its own set of advantages. The HTML and CSS method allows you to completely control the design and function of your website. It also just feels great building a website from scratch. Word Press is targeting the beginner web designer or just your average person who wants a website. The building and design process is very straight forward and guided making it easier to use than needing to know how to code.

When it comes to organizing and modifying the layout of your website, Word Press takes the cake. All you have to do is edit the template and the webpage changes accordingly. With HTML and CSS you must make sure all tags match and your CSS works with your structuring. If you want to change structure you have to change your tags and elements accordingly.

For either of theses design methods to work, one needs to be organized. You should be able to think structurally and understand how code works. Learning Github is also a must.

I have already learned so much by working on this website here. I would love to learn advanced CSS and maybe some Java Script to make my pages more interesting and unique.

Here is a link to my CODE from Github.

Here is a link to my Word Press website.