
Welcome to our Quark Magazine project website! Click on each Issue of Quark to learn More!

Project Info


Our goal of our project was to associate each author involved to the different Quark Magazine Issues they had written and other works each author did that was mentioned inside of Quark.

Our Repository

Click on this link to visit our GitHub Repository


For this project, we had to write up two separate schemas. This was due to the complexity of the two types of XML markup we had wrote. We markedup the "Contributor Lists" and the "Speculative Fiction" chapters in each issue. This allowed us to use XSLT to pull specific information from both types of markup files.

Contributors List Schema

 start = xml
                        xml = element xml {header, listPerson}
                        header = element header {title, editor*, issue}
                        editor = element editor {text}
                        issue = element issue {xsd:integer}
                        listPerson = element listPerson {person+}
                        person = element person {persName, birth*, death*, desc*, note*, toc}
                        toc = element toc {entry+}
                        entry = element entry {title, pages}
                        pages = element pages {text}
                        persName=element persName {text}
                        birth=element birth {when, where*}
                        death=element death {when, where*}
                        when=attribute when {"unfindable"|xsd:date|xsd:gYear}
                        where=attribute where {text}
                        desc=element desc {mixed{title*}}
                        note=element note {source, mixed{(title | place)*}}
                        place= element place {text}
                        title = element title {text}
                        source=attribute source {"quark" | "projectTeam"}

Speculative Fiction Schema

                            xml=element xml {header, title, (epigraph | p | pb | signature)+ }
                            header = element header {issue, date}
                            issue = element issue {text}
                            date = element date {when, text}
                            when = attribute when {xsd:date | xsd:gYearMonth| xsd:gYear}
                            epigraph = element epigraph {p+, cit}
                            cit = element cit {mixed{persName, title}}
                            signature = element signature {text}
                            title=element title {type?, text}
                            type=attribute type {"essay" | "summary" | "bold" | text}
                            p=element p {mixed{ (num | persName| title|groupName | pb | \list | altFont)*}}
                            num = element num {xsd:float}
                            altFont = element altFont {type, mixed{ (persName| title|groupName | pb | \list | altFont)*}}
                            \list=element list {Lo+}
                            Lo = element Lo {text}
                            pb = element pb {n, empty}
                            n = attribute n {xsd:integer}
                            groupName = element groupName {text}
                            persName = element persName {text}


Below are some links to our markup documents located in our GitHub repo.


With our XSLT we wanted to pull contributors names, places, and the issues of "Quark" each author contributed to. With that information we built a table that represented each individual author and information pertaining to them like their birth and death dates, as well as a short bio, and other works they have written that was mention in the issues of "Quark."

XSLT was also used to pull locations from our markup documents and mark them on an interactive map using JavaScript. This was with the help of Dr. Beshero-Bondar, our Digital Humanities teacher.


Here is link to a map. This map contains important locations that relate to the contributors of the Quark issues. This shows us what parts of the world these contributors, and their works, came from. The size of the dots on the map represents the amount of times the location was mentioned in the markup documents.

One particular city that is notable is Milford, Pennsylvania. Many contributors' work came from here.

About Us

Connor Lengyel

My name is Connor Lengyel and I was the Team Lead on this Quark project. I am currently a third year student at Penn State Behrend studying in the DIGIT program, Digital Media, Arts, & Technology program. For this project I had been assigned to write the schemas, mark up Quark Issue 2, form some of the index page, and serve as a form of quality control. A bit about myself, I love to build computers, snowboard, and hike with my two Golden Retreivers, Tucker and Beau.

Hattie Sosia

My name is Hattie Sosia. I am currently a DIGIT major, Digital Media, Arts, & Technology program, at Penn State Behrend in Erie, PA. Being Creative is in my very nature, so having the opportunity to collaborate with members of this group and work with the various Quark Issues was an acomplishment in itself. I took on Quark 4 and creted the XML for it following a schema. I was able to extract information with XSLT to display my findings within the XML. Much of this took time and patience, but I am please with how everything worked out.

Liz Chavez

My name is Elizabeth Chavez. I am a 3rd year transfer student from CCNY majoring in Digital Media, Arts, & Technology program, or DIGIT. I am from Queens, New York and currently on the enn State Behrend campus. This semester I was a aprt of a team project that designed a website to make Samuel R. Delaneys Quark magazine titles available to view. I worked on Quark issue 3 and markedup titles using XML.

Tommy Moffett-Clanton

My name is Tommy Moffett-Clanton. I am currently a DIGIT major, Digital Media, Arts, & Technology program, at Penn State Behrend in Erie, PA. I worked with a team on designing and developing a website that featured information from Quark magazine using XML, XSLT, and HTML.